About us
Hristo Hristov from the beginning until today ...
Before the establishment of Fitting Montage Ltd., I worked for several years in this field. I went through many different stages of the activity, visited several countries and thus built a vision for a family business. In the beginning it was just a conceptual project, but over time I received the support of my family and preparing for the main and responsible role of creator, I realized that when a stalk is firmly rooted it needs only light to grow and become big tree! This was the beginning of a serious development and I dare say enviable success. Realizing the great responsibility I take on, I also thought about my priorities and their arrangement, because most of the solutions to the problems are hidden in them. First of all, I rely on the attitude towards the human factor in its material part. Money is important, it is the "fuel" of the business, but in order to be successful, we must support it with a lot of work and attention. Close to this I arrange the trust and ambition to achieve professional results.

What do I want to tell you?
I always rely more on my intuition than on logical answers. It has happened to me to hear the right words and messages, but to feel that something is not right. The opposite happened to me - the logic to tell me that the respondent is not appropriate, and I intuitively know that this is my man. My advice to people is to trust what they feel, not to ignore it and always "sleep" before taking an important step and making a serious decision. The long-term production experience, the team of qualified specialists, the constant striving for improvement, the modern production base - this is the winning formula, guaranteeing the perfect execution of each project. I believe in what we are doing with my team and each of you can be convinced of my statement after reviewing the projects we have completed over the years. For us, success alone is not enough, but the positive imprint we leave after our work.
What are we striving for?
We do not hide our ambition in any way, not only to constantly develop, but also to become a world market leader. For this purpose, we must be close to our customers, respond to their needs and meet their needs, and this can only be done by performing quality and on time each contract, in which we already have quite serious experience. We must not forget about our employees, to whom we try to provide in every way a sustainable and reliable environment for work and development.
Customers first!
For us, customers have always been the most important element of the business. In every way we strive not only to be a fair and reliable partner, but also to always be with them when they need a solution that falls within our competence. We strive to build long-term relationships based on successfully implemented projects and mutual respect.
Company of people and family!
Fitting Montage Ltd. is a company built by people and their desire to be professionals in what they do. The people we call employees are one of the most valuable resources we have. We strive to provide them with a pleasant and reliable environment in which they can not only develop, but also give them security to make their dreams come true and achieve their personal goals. We do not miss the family, which plays an important role in our business. As a family company with professional management, we look forward and strive to ensure sustainable development of the company for future generations. Our work bears our personal signature. To date, the company employs two generations of creators!